Note: Fee paying option is for the entire duration of the programme of study. Once you opt for fee-paying you retain that status for the entire duration of the programme.
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
- Faculty of Agriculture
- 101 BSc. Agriculture
- 880 BSc. Agricultural Biotechnology
- 886 BSc. Agribusiness Management
- 879 BSc. Landscape Design and Management
- Faculty of Natural Resources
- 108 BSc. Natural Resource Management
- 735 BSc. Forest Resources Technology
- 741 BSc. Packaging Technology
- 1045 BSc. Aquaculture and Water Resource Management
College of Art and Built Environment
- Faculty of Built Environment
- 205 BSc. Architecture
- 853 BSc. Construction Technology and Management
- 854 BSc. Quantity Surveying and Construction Economics
- 306 BSc. Development Planning
- 748 BSc. Human Settlement Planning
- 307 BSc. Land Economy
- 877 BSc. Real Estate
- Faculty of Art
- 744 BA. Communication Design
- 303 BA. Integrated Rural Art and Industry
- 304 BA. Publishing Studies
- 1373 BA. Metal Product Design Technology
- 1276 BA. Textile Design and Technology
- 301 BFA. Fine Art and Curatorial Practice
- 1445 BFA. Ceramics
- 192 BSc. Fashion Design
- 1444 BSc. Ceramics Technology
College of Engineering
- Faculty of Civil and Geo-Engineering
- 208 BSc. Civil Engineering
- 1420 BSc. Civil Engineering (Obuasi Campus)
- 737 BSc. Geological Engineering
- 226 BSc. Geological Engineering (Obuasi)
- 738 BSc. Geomatic Engineering
- 227 BSc. Geomatic Engineering (Obuasi Campus)
- 546 BSc. Petroleum Engineering
- Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering
- 871 BSc. Biomedical Engineering
- 212 BSc. Computer Engineering
- 209 BSc. Electrical/Electronic Engineering
- 199 BSc. Electrical/Electronic Engineering
(Obuasi Campus)
- 732 BSc. Telecommunications Engineering
- Faculty of Mechanical and Chemical Engineering
- 206 BSc. Agricultural Engineering
- 881 BSc. Petrochemical Engineering
- 207 BSc. Chemical Engineering
- 950 BSc. Metallurgical Engineering
- 258 BSc. Metallurgical Engineering
(Obuasi Campus)
- 213 2BSc. Materials Engineering
- 217 BSc. Materials Engineering (Obuasi Campus)
- Faculty of Educational Studies
- 1415 B.Ed. Junior High School Education (Mathematics, Science, ICT, Agricultural Science, History, Visual Arts and Geography)
College of Health Sciences - Faculty of Allied Health Sciences
- 1370 BSc. Physiotherapy and Sports Science
- 1374 BSc. Medical Imaging
- 106 BSc. Medical Laboratory Science
- 1485 BSc. Medical Laboratory Science
(Obuasi Campus)
- School of Nursing and Midwifery
- 531 BSc. Nursing
- 1483 BSc. Nursing (Obuasi Campus)
- 912 Nursing (Emergency Option for Practicing Nurses Only)
- 952 BSc. Midwifery (Females only)
- 418 BSc. Midwifery (Females practicing Midwives only) (Sandwich)
- 1484 BSc. Midwifery (Obuasi Campus)
- Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
- 110 Bachelor of Herbal Medicine (BHM)
- 981 Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm D)
- 1277 Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm D) – 2 years Top-Up (Practicing Pharmacists only)
- School of Medicine and Dentistry
- 105 Human Biology (Medicine) (MBChB)
- 802 Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) (Fee-paying only)
- 1377 BSc. Marine Engineering
- 1376 BSc. Industrial Engineering
- 1375 BSc. Automobile Engineering
- 211 1BSc. Mechanical Engineering
- 1421 BSc. Mechanical Engineering
(Obuasi Campus)
- 214 BSc. Aerospace Engineering
College of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Faculty Of Law
- 532 Bachelor of Laws (LLB)
- 747 LLB (Degree Holders Only) (Fee-Paying)
- Faculty of Social Science
- 795 BA. Economics
- 794 BA. English
- 793 BA. Geography and Rural Development
- 894 BA. History
- 791 BA. Political Studies
- 1386 1BA. Akan Language and Culture
- 1387 BA. French and Francophone Studies
- 1388 BA. Linguistics
- 1389 BA. Media and Communication Studies
- 797 BA. Religious Studies
- 977 BA. Sociology
- 971 BA. Social Work
- KNUST School of Business
- 1272 BSc. Business Administration (Human Resource Management /Management)
- 1431 BSc. Business Administration
(Human Resource Management/Management) (Obuasi Campus)
- School of Veterinary Medicine
- 882 Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM)
- School of Public Health
- 953 BSc. Disability and Rehabilitation Studies
College of Science
- Faculty of Biosciences
- 102 BSc. Biochemistry
- 547 BSc. Food Science and Technology
- ……BSc. Dietetics
- ……BSc. Human Nutrition
- 103 BSc. Biological Science
- 548 BSc. Environmental Science
- 1422 BSc. Environmental Science
(Obuasi Campus)
- 109 Doctor of Optometry
- Faculty of Physical and Computational Sciences
- 104 BSc. Chemistry
- 202 BSc. Mathematics
- 201 BSc. Physics
- 203 BSc. Computer Science
- 951 BSc. Statistics
- 750 BSc. Actuarial Science
- 876 BSc. Meteorology and Climate Science
- 1273 BSc. Business Administration
(Marketing/International Business)
- 1433 BSc. Business Administration (Marketing/International Business) (Obuasi Campus)
- 1274 BSc. Business Administration
(Accounting / Banking and Finance)
- 1432 BSc. Business Administration (Accounting / Banking and Finance) (Obuasi Campus)
- 1275 BSc. Business Administration (Logistics and Supply Chain Management/Business Information Technology)
- 1423 BSc. Business Administration (Logistics and Supply Chain Management/Business Information Technology) (Obuasi Campus)
- 191 BSc. Hospitality and Tourism Management